Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Pending Story ~

Hello dearie blog...
*rindu tahap MAX to this blog, okay!

Dear blog,
FYI...currently i'm studying and revising the lectures notes(ye ke?) for the final exam that start TOMORROW ! YES ! final exam of Asper will begin tomorrow ! Oh noooo....! Am I ready ??!! Only God knows what I feel right now...

Ok..seems like better for me to log out right now. *sambung study weyh!! Btw..regarding to the title of this entry..i want to list the 'pending story' that had line up to be publish in the la..dah lama x update blog kan.booo....
1. Wild Life Charity at Zoo Melaka
2. Apple Day
3. First Class's Bowling Match
4. Moonlight and Roses
5. First Class @ PD <3

Fuhhh...looks like entry on my blog has lagged behind compared to other blogger.
Denggg to my laziness + procrastinate act!

p/s: harap2 aku rajin update blog lepas asasi ni =)

1 comment:

  1. cik kak, follow la ak pnya blog jgk! hehe
